Balansécorner fotbal+societatelansare Corner / Corner launchCunthate [Ură]Cunthate [Ură]Instrumente delicate manevrate cu grijă / Delicate Instruments Handled with CareInstrumente delicate manevrate cu grijă / Delicate Instruments Handled with CareInstrumente delicate manevrate cu grijă / Delicate Instruments Handled with CareInstrumente delicate manevrate cu grijă / Delicate Instruments Handled with CareInstrumente delicate manevrate cu grijă / Delicate Instruments Handled with CareProduse domestice / Domestic ProductsProduse domestice / Domestic ProductsGhingaprezentare / lecture Helen Hesterprezentare / lecture Nick Srniceklectură / reading OgresFoamea noastră cea de toate zilele / Our Daily HungerFoamea noastră cea de toate zilele / Our Daily HungerFoamea noastră cea de toate zilele / Our Daily HungerParental CtrlParental CtrlParental CtrlProsper CenterProvizoriu / ProvisoryProvizoriu / Provisorylectură / public reading Mihai GoțiuPulverizare / PulverisesPulverizare / PulverisesEa e băiat bun / She's a Good BoyEa e băiat bun / She's a Good BoyEa e băiat bun / She's a Good BoyEa e baiat bun / She's a Good BoyStaffStaffStaffStaffThe Agency of TouchStatul / The StateStatul / The StateUntitledUntitledIugoslavia, cum ideologia ne-a mișcat corpul colectiv / Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body