About TDI

Temps d’Images Cluj

Initiated in 2002 by the ARTE French television channel and La Ferme du Buisson, Temps d’Images expanded gradually at European level through partnerships with 10 cultural operators. Temps d’Images in Romania had its first edition in 2008 and has evolved constantly since then, developing initially as an interdisciplinary platform that supports innovative artistic forms uniting theater, dance and video art. As a member of the European network that bears the same name, the festival has found, in time, its own local particularity, supporting artistic creations that also have civic key of lecturing, understood as a means to figure out a society in a constant change.

Temps d’Images in Cluj helps affirm the interdisciplinary creation and artistic research through international co-productions, research laboratories, representing it as a label for artists with interdisciplinary interests. Through the European project, its organizers aim to support financially and logistically the young artists in their creative approaches and provide a framework for high quality professional exposure.

Temps d’Images International

Initiated in 2002 by the ARTE French television channel and La Ferme du Buisson, Temps d’Images was born out of the idea that the world of movements and performing arts cannot be separated and constantly interact when technology can serve as a bridge, not an obstacle. What new ways can we find to build bridges between performances and video in contemporary art when the boundary between arts is more and more uncertain? Temps d’Images was created to respond to these creations and to innovating themes, extending itself in numerous cities. From 2003 Temps d’Images became an European network.

ARTE was founded as a European public television channel specialized in cultural programs in 1991 through a partnership between France and Germany. The channel is operating since 1992 and gained its international popularity through many co-productions and through purchasing of movies, documentaries, performances from all over the world.

ARTE’s activities has encouraged artists from all over Europe and captivated every different public. Temps d’Images is the first festival created by a television channel.