
Price 25 lei / 15 lei (reduced)
Duration 90′
Language Romanian, with English surtitles


Saturday 11/11/2017 from 21:00 to 22:30

“Learn for life, not for school!” was the motto of the reform initiated by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova in 2015. Learn what? Because today the school teaches us to buy our place in school, our grades in the classroom, the admission exam in high school. In the context of the elaboration of the 2020 Education Strategy, the adoption of the new Education Code that would modernize the education system in line with the Bologna Process, Uneducated proposes an ingression into the educational process starting with the pillow, blanket and scarf – mandatory from the first steps in the kindergarten right until the online purchase of the bachelor degree.

by and with: Ion Borș, Nora Dorogan, Nicoleta Esinencu, Doriana Talmazan, Irina Vacarciuc
sound: Kira Seminov
producer: teatru-spălătorie

About the artists

teatru-spălătorie is an independent artistic initiative, which was founded in 2010, stemming from the need of creating an alternative art space in Chișinău; where artists could act and react to the political and social events in Moldova, but also to the ones occurring in the broader European region and generally in the world. Spălătorie serves also as a platform for the promoting of contemporary art in Moldova; and as a space for initiatives and debates on various topics and for the interest of different groups of our community.