
In 1864, when the Constitution and the first modern Criminal Code was adopted in Romania and Moldova, same-sex relationships weren’t at all incriminated. In 1995, Moldova eliminated the article incriminating same-sex relationships, dating from 1937 following Nazi-Germany model. Sadly, today, June 2011, the anti-discrimination bill is being withdrawn from the Moldavian Parliament because of its mentioning of “sexual orientation” stereotype. The anti-discrimination law would have primarily protected all minorities against abuse of authority and other types of public discrimination. Political leaders employ demagogic and ignorant statements suggesting that homosexuality is rooted in “psychiatric disorders” and they are arguing for instance, that “It’s like we would set free sick people from the psychiatric wards and send them downtown. I won’t vote.” In fact, politicians are using this type of prejudicial rhetoric for electoral gain, promising the voters “normal families”

company: Spălătorie Theatre
concept/directed by/text: Bogdan Georgescu
with: Emilian Crețu, Veaceslav Sambriș, Ina Surdu, Doriana Talmazan, Irina Vacarciuc
sound: Sever Master
producers: Nicoleta Esinencu, Nora Dorogan
coproducer: Ofensiva Generozității
with the support of: Erste Foundation

About the artists

Bogdan Georgescu – artist, observationist. Tools in use: playwriting, community theatre, video composing, producing, social intervention, project management. Soros Fellow of UEP 2004; Cornerstone alumni of Institute 2, CEC Arts Link Fellow – residency hosted by Brown University, Writing for Stage Program. He works as an artist in creative processes based on the collaboration with the community involved and interdisciplinarity for Active Art project such as The Sensitive Map, RahovaNonstop, Build your community!, The Evacuation of The Student’s Culture House in Timisoara, The Countryside Tour, The House of People, Kickstart Limanu, ROGVAIV, For The Win, Triple Point, Everything is realities, Antisocial.