Temps d’Images 2011 Reflect
Temps d’Images 2011 Reflect

Roșia Montană – on a Physical Line and on a Political Line
Roşia Montană is not just a hot topic about gold exploitation by a Canadian multinational, but also generates a broader discussion about the world in which we live, about the theme of morality in our contemporary society, about the polarization of our society around a certain subject, about the way the mass media chooses to reflect (or not) upon this phenomenon, about poverty, vulnerability and about seeking a solution that puts an end to such a state of things, about the desire to save and be saved, about the relativity of any kind of truth or any kind of lie, about a present time with fragile links to the past and to the future, about the reality/unreality of situations that we may happen to find ourselves in a certain moment, about how discussions are constructed in a troublesome world where we affirm one thing and the next second we can say something contrary and last but not least, about possibilities, limits, about the theatre’s attempts to relate to a reality that is hard to decipher, precisely because it is happening right here and right now. Right before our very eyes.
Gianina Cărbunariu
directed by: Gianina Cărbunariu, Andreea Vălean, Radu Apostol
text: Peca Ștefan, Gianina Cărbunariu, Andreea Vălean
with: Csilla Albert, András Buzási, Loránd Farkas, Csongor Kölö, Levente Molnár, Cristina Toma
scenography, video, light design: Andu Dumitrescu
choreography: Florin Fieroiu
sound: Bogdan Burlăcianu
translation: Péter Demény
coproducers: Teatrul Maghiar de Stat Cluj-Napoca, dramACum
Supported by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.
Gianina Cărbunariu, Andreea Vălean and Radu Apostol are theater director and founders of DramAcum Association which promotes Romanian contemporary dramaturgy.