Parkour: publications from The Institute of the Present

Price intrare liberă
Duration 45′
Language Romanian


Sunday 12/11/2017 from 17:30 to 18:15

The Institute of the Present launches the micro-publications series in bilingual format (Romanian / English) dedicated to an artist or to a significant event or action in the field of visual and performing culture. Parkour recomposes an atlas of personal narratives shared by artists in the form of an interview and a self-chronology, mediating better or less-known histories. In a conscious effort to record the strong link between art and life, the chronologies outlined together with the artists prompt a re-reading of the personal development along the following chapters: artistic concepts and interests; events and trips; affinities; friends. In 2017, the first publications are dedicated to artists: Miriam Răducanu, Constantin Flondor, Ion Grigorescu, Octavian Nemescu and Lia Perjovschi.

with: Ștefania Ferchedău and Alina Șerban
producer: The Institute of the Present

About the artists

IP — The Institute of the Present is a research and an artist resource platform in the field of visual and performing culture created by Ștefania Ferchedău and Alina Șerban in Bucharest. Centered on artists and their personal accounts, on time-specific encounters and forms of (self) archiving, the Institute looks at various practices and situations from the recent past until today from a transnational and transcultural perspective.