Price 25 lei / 15 lei (reduced)
Duration 65′
Language Japanese, with Romanian and English surtitles


Saturday 11/11/2017 from 19:00 to 20:05

70 years ago, right after the World War II, the Constitution of Japan was written based on the reflection on war. Therefore, the Japanese citizens pledged: Abandonment of war; Respect for the human rights, and respect for the Sovereignty of the people. But for several years the Japanese government has been trying to modify this document. Using texts from the Constitution and from politicians’ speeches, Oregayo describes the public mood at the time of the adoption of the Japanese constitutive act and tries to overcome the dichotomy between the contemporary revisionists and constitutional loyalists, asking questions about the future of the country.

directed by: Yuta Hagiwara
with: Honami Shimizu
scenography: Katsunori Yokoi
light design: Minoru Chida
stage manager: Shin Ito
producer: Kamome Machine

About the artists

Established in 2007 by a director and playwright Yuta Hagiwara, Kamome Machine convey the message through their personal body, focuses on social issue such like nuclear power plant and The Constitution of Japan. Their major works include Waiting for Godot in Fukushima (2011), performed by a road just outside Fukushima’s exclusion zone, and Public Image Limited (2012), which won an AAF Drama Award. In 2016, the company won the Toga Theatre Competition’s Excellence Award for Happy Days (Act Two).