Forbidden Books (close it and put it away)

Price 25 lei / 15 lei (reduced)
Duration 80′
Language English, with Romanian surtitles


Sunday 12/11/2017 from 19:00 to 20:20

The performance celebrates our failed attempts at making sense of our insignificance in a world that is as isolated as it is viral. But we give the benefit of the doubt in search for some poetry in the times after the irony. Makers attempt to translate their millenial nostalgia into a language as modern as a student apartment furnished with the finest of IKEA. We offer our imagined or lived pasts and presents:growing up is singing a cover of a favourite song with a toy xylophone and a guitar. Sex is a childish game with different types of food that don’t taste good together. Love is all the passionate words written in your diary and life means stalking Sandra Bullock. Theatre is a curated evening of internet consumption, a party that collapses into lazy pizza eating or an excuse to be together.

written and directed by: Szymon Adamczak
with: Bence Molnár, Emese Simó, Tímea Udvari
set, costume and visuals: Iringó Xénia Róth
techno mix: Bernadett Sztanó
technical director: Attila Almási
project coordinator: Zenkő Bogdán
producers: TESZT Festival, Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre Timișoara, Colectiv A, Adam Mickiewicz Institute Poland, The Paintbrush Factory Federation
parteners: Universal Pleasure Factory

Excerpts from the personal diary of Timea Udvari and the family video of Bence Molnar (editing: Balázs Zajti) are featured in the performance, courtesy of aforementioned.

Born between ’89-’91 in 4 different (but European) countries, living now in 3 with at least 3 different religious and sexual identities. Hungarians, but Romanians, Hungarian, but living in Romania, Polish, but living in the Netherlands. Or Armenian, Csángó, German, Jewish and Roma? Theatre makers with the privilege to speak in front of an international audience.

About the artists

The performance is devised by Szymon Adamczak, a Polish theatre maker and dramaturg, currently a student of DAS Theatre in Amsterdam. He was a dramaturg of National Stary Theatre in Kraków under artistic direction of Jan Klata. Together with Magda Szpecht, an author of awarded pieces dolphin_who_loved_me and Schubert. As his mind is an all-you-can-eat one, expect a mixture of devised, personal, fictional and real-time theatre doings.