Temps d’Images 2014 What feeds us?
Temps d’Images 2014 What feeds us?
Feed the Future
The educational project of cine-debates Feed the Future launches an open challenge to create healthy eating and consumption habits for future generations. We believe that all children need to understand the story of food: where it comes from, how it is produced, by whom and what it means for the personal and public health. Educating children about nutrition and food in the kitchen and in the classroom will empower them with lifelong skills. The more children learn about food and nutrition, the more likely they are to eat fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods.
This project proposes an event of food education in schools because we value our children and their prospects for a long, healthy and happy life.
A project in partnership with the Association of Cluj Parents (Asociația Părinți Clujeni) and the Theoretical High-School Mihai Eminescu Cluj-Napoca.