
Temps d’Images 2010: React!
11-20 October 2010

What happens with the contemporary dance and theatre in the era of image? How do visual artists relate to the growing presence of the shot image in the performing arts?

Temps d’Images festival is the meeting place of these questions. Wishing to accompany the young contemporary creation in contemporary dance, theatre and visual arts and focus on the intelligent mix between them, ARTE French channel initiated the Festival with La Ferme du Buisson National Scene in 2002, subsequently developing the project at European level.

After two successful editions in Romania, the Festival was set in definitely in Cluj where it was greeted by you, an inquisitive public eager to know new forms of contemporary art. The Romanian Festival organizer, Colectiv A Association shares with the Cluj public new contemporary dance creations and innovative theatre forms in which the moving image becomes more than background or accessory. The image has imposed an important “role” in the Festival’s invited performances, it becomes a character, it documents other reality, it introduces a new dimension, creating new emotions, it opens new perspectives, showing us our weaknesses or enhancing our creativity.

For the third edition of the Temps d’Images Festival, Colectiv A invites audacious artists, who were trying to resist the power of image and knew how to turn it into an ally that can complete their creation. The Festival features three world premieres: Solo tu by Vava Ştefănescu, Post.Sync – GroundFloor Association from Cluj, and Endurance – A.lter S.essio Company from France. Wanting to keep the public up to date to what’s new in video art, the 2010 Festival’s program is diversified, and we designed a special environment for video art and experimental film. We invite you to discover young video artists from Romania and Europe, to attend the meeting Focus on Artist with Mitoş Micleuşanu – film director – (from Planet Moldova) or to watch short films from ShortsUP!.

The theatre and performance enthusiasts will discover artists from abroad (Santa Sangre Company, Italy) and new names in Cluj, as David Schwartz, Ion Dumitrescu & Florin Flueraş. The experiment and the artistic interdisciplinary research are the Festival’s core, as István Albu, Julia Bársony (Hungary), Alex Mirutziu (Romania) and Emanuella Serra together with Emmanuelle Braga (Italy) will take us in their creation laboratory. Speaking of the desire to share, we propose to celebrate this year’s meeting on the rhythm of Discoballs.

Stay tuned!