Alina Popa

Alina Popa navigates between visual arts and contemporary dance, the white cube and the black box, theory and text. She draws with concepts, conceptualizes with movement, moves with thought, thinks with structure, structures with sound, sounds weird or not at all. She gives lectures during parties, teaches through dramaturgy, documents residencies writing SF, and will, at least once, interrupt a public discussion to talk about jaguars. She founded Artworld and Black Hyperbox together with Florin Flueras, and The Bureau of Melodramatic Research with Irina Gheorghe. She exhibited/performed at Pratt Manhattan NY, Martin Gropius Bau Berlin, Times Museum Guangzhou, BAK Utrecht, Wing Hong Kong, MUMOK Vienna, Brut Theater Vienna, CNDB Bucharest, MNAC Bucharest, DEPO Istanbul, Ujazdowski Castle Warsaw, Jardim Equatorial Sao Paulo, Teatru-Spălătorie Chișinău, Salonul de Proiecte Bucharest, House of Drama Theater Oslo etc.

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